
Make Up : Natural Faces #2

Hello everyone, this is the second Natural Faces post! I guess a lot members found the first post interesting, yet some of them dislike the idea of using it. In this make up tutorial, I am using Transform White Blush and Transform Bronze Blush. 

First of all , to have this make up tutorial beautifully done, you need to know which face area need some highligh and which needs to be darken. In the following picture I have make a simple plan of how you should where your dolls make up. 

I have make seperate the White section from the Dark, with a line so you could understand better.
Since you understand this picture you will be able to make up with any cosmetics you want as long as it is used in the correct area of your face. Here is an example.

What do you think of this tutorial? :)


New Tress Up

Hi everyone,

This is BerryLolitta and I am the new writer for Rebellion Stardoll :)

As we all know, there has been a new Tress up collection (YAAAY!); it's a bit funny this one because what we have is 4 floors of practically the same wigs however, the ombre effect is different on floors 1 and 2 compared to 3 and 4 (I hope that's not so confusing). 
When I saw the wigs for the first time I did not realize that there was another version of each wig and immediately I bought the wig I liked straight from the first floor. (Luckily it looks good)

Anyways, I decided to create this post so that I can share with you guys a few looks that some dollies have created from this beautiful collection.

This first look by ElizaBess excites me, I like the bleached roots of her wig and the make up goes perfectly with the hair colour. I even love the addition of the dragon ear cuff from epiphany, it's a great finish. 

Moving on, the second doll I'll be sharing with you is tuba.eclipse. Her look is very elegant from head to toe and not to mention that she's also quite young! I wanted to close up on her face but I really wanted to share her lovely outfit.

Last but not least.. monkeygalellie1. I am extremely heart broken that this hair style is only for superstars, I can go as far as saying it's my favourite of the collection; but certainly this girl pulls it off from the firey ginger hair colour to the yellow dress and shoulder tattoo, this look is very inspired and accomplished.

This was just a snippet, I hope you guys liked my picks.

Until next week,
